
It's like we're speaking two different languages. Why can't he read my mind? Why won't she just say what she means? Dr. Emerson Eggerichs attempts to help bridge the communication gap in his book The Language of Love & Respect. Eggerich claims that the root cause of communication problems is that we speak different languages – what he would describe as pink and blue. Neither is wrong; they are just different. Eggerich’s basis for Love & Respect is Epeshians 5:33 which states that husbands are to show love to their wives and wives are to show respect for their husbands. He claims that couples can learn how to communicate by implementing his “practical, step-by-step approach.”

I received a free copy as part of Thomas Nelson’s Book Review Blogger program. Unfortunately I did not find the book to be all that helpful. In many ways it felt like a regurgitation of the book Love & Respect. Although the principles were true and in many ways helpful, I felt like the message could have been summed up effectively in less than 318 pages. I often felt like I was reading a very long infomercial for Love & Respect ministries – full of testimonials and acronyms. Although I did take away a few helpful tips, I frequently found myself checking to see how many pages were left. The information was good, but nothing new. If you’re a big fan of Love and Respect borrow this one from the library, but prepare yourself for a repeat of what you’ve already learned.

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